Friday, April 27, 2007

Landmark Run accross Nebraska

My husband knows Scott Giddings from work at Girls and Boys Town. Scott is running/jogging 480 miles accross Nebraska. You can read his blog here to check on his progress.
It's very inspirational. I can hardly run accross the street.

“I want the youth at Girls and Boys Town to use this portion of their life, however difficult it might be and whatever struggles they might be going through, as a stepping stone to better things,” said Giddings. “I want them to know that people really care.”
What a great guy!

Scott has not been able to complete his run at this time. He's experiencing some severe leg pain and the doctors are unable to pinpoint the problem. He'll get it finished I'm sure, but for now he's resting the leg and hoping to get back out on the road.

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