With a margin of 122 votes my brother Scott Waguespack beat incumbent Ted Matlak for Alderman of Chicago!!
What's an alderman? Lots of people ask that- I did too. Basically, city council. Chicago has 50 wards and an alderman for each ward.
Matlak's people were going door to door to get people out to vote, who knows what else... The last election they were going to nursing homes and escorting voters to the polls with the false promise of donuts.
I had my own experiences with Matlak's "goombas". On election day, I saw a neighbor of my brothers' (my three brothers have lived in the same building for many years now in Chicago). The neighbor is around 80-90 years old, he knew my grandparents, and I went over to say hi, when I returned to the street corner I was on, the goomba says "is that your poster child?"
I got a tad angry and said, "YEAH! why not?? why shouldn't he be??!!!"
I had another man by the name of Mike tell me that he bet my brother Scott didn't live in the ward (let's just asume for the sake of stupidity that the Chicago Board of Elections knows more than this Mike and my brother really is a resident of the ward- Matlak says otherwise) and that Scott never coached him (Mike) in little league. (Scott had previously coached little league in Chicago) I replied, "well, you are a little old for little league, in fact, you look to be older than my brother..."
His reply: "A loser can't coach a winner." All I can say is:
Mike. You are an idiot AND a loser. Ok. That's as 'nippy' as I'll get.
Even with all the election day jerks, it was still amazing!
I am so proud of my brothers. They don't always see eye to eye on everything but they supported each other in this and got the job done!
This picture was taken after midnight, so you can't laugh at what we look like, my husband and I had been outside a polling precinct since 6:30am and then showed up at the office at 7pm. Who knows what kind of sleep Scott and his girlfriend, Jade got (none?).
So, that's some of what I've been doing. I spent time in my yard and garden this weekend. Pulling weeds, planting flowers and seeds and repotting my indoor plants. I have alot of dirt under my nails and my hands are all cut up- I hate to wear gloves and I spent a little time with my rose bush. I love the spring and all the planting!
Fun stuff!

Good night!

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